Clean up the web pages a bit.
Upgrade to JUnit 3.8.1.
Upgrade to latest ant
Upgrade to velocity 1.3.1 when it's done.
Add javadoc overview info describing packages and functions in them.
Add to http://www.onjava.com/pub/q/java_os_directory.
Get some feedback from good coders.
Add a howto.html, to tell how to run the main .jar file and then to include enum.jar in the class path.
Use genertics in this package with jsdk 1.5.
Add a good base class for rather simple Members.(need to think about what this should be...)
Enum Generator
Figure out how the manifest file in the command-line .jar should be to include ClassPath: attributes.
Add API that creates the .java files in streams. Don't assume access to a file system.
Write a dtd or xml schema to catch most mistakes
Clean up the tests in test2 to use some inheritance (and maybe autogenerate the tests, too??).
Better templating engine than velocity. Is there anything that would use the .jsp language?
Home David Walend