JEnum is a Java runtime jar for working with enumerated types, as described in Josh Bloch's Effective Java Item 21, and a one-way code generator to create the needed classes from xml. The API is patterned after the Java Collections API.
JEnum is currently in an early alpha release. Please provide feedback on this release, especially wrt: API, by adding comments to the forum.
If you'd like to contribute, the todo list for this project holds the current list of things I think should be done. New suggestions are always welcome.
Browse the javadocs on line, or download docs, jars and source code. See the changes for this release in the change log
JEnum is hosted on
at and is linked from
JEnum carries a BSD license. If you use it in a project that sees the light of day, fulfill the license by linking from your credits page back to this page. Let me know and I'll add a link to your project here.
Have fun,
Dave Walend
Home David Walend